How do I add learners on Innform?
Can I integrate Innform with my other platforms?
How does the Learning area look like?
Does Innform offer a public API?
Assign trainers to your training items and delegate training efforts.
How do I add admins on Innform?
How do I import multiple people at once?
Can I get help with migrating learning content from my previous LMS?
Can I get help with creating learning content on Innform?
Can I get help with importing my learners into Innform?
Can I try Innform with a full-access trial before upgrading?
How do I set up Groups to organise learners?
How do I set up Properties?
How do I add people to a property?
How do I add people to a group?
How can I give my learners access to the course library?
How do I customise Innform with my company logo, images and colours?
How do I manage languages on Innform?
How can I contact the Innform team for support?
How can I contact Innform about Enterprise upgrades and customisations?
How do I manage admin roles and permissions?
Where do I manage my profile information?