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Question library

Find out more about the question library.

Seb Hefel avatar
Written by Seb Hefel
Updated over a week ago

One of Innform's core features is the question library. The question library allows you to create questions and re-use them within multiple quizzes.

Create a question

There are 2 ways of adding a new question to the question library:

1. Create a new question directly in the question library using the "Create questions" button.

2. Create a new quiz in the course editor and add a new question. All questions added in a quiz will automatically be added to the question library.

Filter existing questions

You can filter through your questions by using the following filter options:

  • Category

  • Question type

  • Date of creation

  • Unused question

Delete questions from the question library

You can only delete questions which are not currently being used in other quizzes.

To delete a used question, remove it from the linked quiz/quizzes.

Tip: You can filter by unused questions.

Add questions from the question library into a quiz

To add existing questions to a quiz, use the "Import" button in the authoring tool.

Add multiple questions using the multi select functionality.

Important: If you import a question that is used in other quizzes, keep in mind that any changes to the question will be reflected in the other quizzes as well!
If you try to edit a used question, Innform will display a notification tool tip notifying the user about the possible effects.

Change the content of a question

You can change the content of a question either in the question library or within the course editor.

Question library
To change the content of a question in the question library, select your question and start editing. The system will auto save changes.

Course builder

If you import a question that is already in use, changes to the question will be applied to all other quizzes as well.

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